Thursday, July 15, 2010

the old spice man: ingenious, hilarium.

yesterday, i was introduced to a man.. a man who "smells like a man, man" (or so he says).. a man with a set of abs i could probably wash my clothes on.. a man with the "monacle smile." 

isaiah mustafa, known to many as the "old spice man", did his first "smell like a man, man" old spice commercial back in february, where he transitioned from a bathroom scene, to the deck of a boat, and finally, on a white horse (in which he states "i'm on a horse"), all while promoting himself as the ultimate man and, of course, old spice's body wash for men.

the latest old spice commercial starts off with mr. mustafa on the beach, with scene changes to him rolling on a log, walking on water, walking through a kitchen with a "gourmet" cake and a sander, swan-diving into a hot tub, and finally mounted on a motorcycle after the hot tub breaks.  he ends by asking ladies all over america, "does your man smell like an old spice man?"

the best part about this old spice campaign are the personalized response videos that mr. mustafa did to those who commented on the videos via twitter and facebook (july 14 and 15). he has made MANY video replies, including to celebrities, such as alyssa milano, ellen degeneres, and demi moore, all with humorous responses (indeed well scripted by the 4 onset writers).  one person even submitted a question via twitter asking mr. mustafa, "can you ask my girlfriend to marry me?", in which he video-responded by holding up a ring and asked the girlfriend to make her boyfriend "the happiest man in the world and marry him." within about 4 hours from the video response, there was an engagement to celebrate. 

hmm.. the hype from these commercials have me sold! i'll run out and grab a bottle.. not for myself of course.. 

but anyway, you'll just have to youtube the videos for yourself to get the humor that i can't portray through just words on a screen.  in the mean time, enjoy one of the commercials via youtube!

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