Friday, September 3, 2010

labor day: unofficially saying goodbye to summer.

labor day marks the symbolic end of summer: for kids, the start of a new school year... for sports fanatics, the start of the NFL and college football seasons (yay). this weekend, the air will carry the aroma of burgers, hotdogs, kabobs, and chicken sizzling on the grill and will be the host of extravagant displays of sparkling fireworks.

summer has definitely come and gone with a blink of an eye. i hope all of you spent it well; i know i sure have with all the traveling that i've done, and i still have one more trip to go on [vietnam, as you probably read in my previous post].

although i absolutely love summer and its warm temperatures and "beach season" status, i am quite ready for the fall and cooler days [there have been some insanely scorching hot days this summer in philly!].  i love driving down the PA turnpike and seeing the leaves turn to all the beautiful shades of red and orange [stan's favorite color, btw].  i always try to take a snapshot on my phone's camera of the stunning view [yes, it is indeed beautiful... to me anyhow] while i'm driving down the turnpike [i know, i know... that's not safe], but of course it always turns out blurry.  i'm going to need to bum a ride home with my brothers one of these autumn days so i can take a photo and share it with y'all.

alright, enough babbling from me for now.  i still have yet to pack for vietnam and i only have a couple hours to do so!  i hope you all enjoy the labor day weekend and the end of summer BBQs. be safe!  and to all you in the philadelphia area, enjoy the cooler temperatures this weekend! 

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